School Announcements -



Holy Trinity Well Being Dog – Stanley

Date Posted: Tuesday 17 May 2022

A new member of our school community is joining us to become  part of our Emotional, Social, Mental Health and Well Being offer in school.  It’s Stanley our Holy Trinity Well Being Dog.

You may be aware that there is a growing movement to introduce the concept of ‘Well-Being dogs’ into schools. Well-being dogs are being used as a source of comfort and relaxation for children and adults who may need ‘someone to talk to’ or just someone who will accept them and offer comfort or a calming influence in their lives. There is much evidence that the children who struggle with relationships or managing their own emotions gain a great deal from spending time with a pet. Children can benefit educationally and emotionally, increase their understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills through contact with a dog.

We know that this pandemic has had a significant impact on many of our pupils emotionally and socially. Therefore, we are delighted that the Academy Council and Learning Trust have agreed for us to be able to introduce a Well-Being dog into our school.