Please see below for copies of useful policies. They will open as pdf files. If you require a paper copy of these policies, please contact the school office. If there are other policies that you require, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
As we are now part of the Durham & Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust our policies will be updated systematically in line with DNDLT.
Please use the link to the DNDLT Website for further policies www.durhamdmat.co.uk
Please also use the link www.durhamdmat.co.uk for the following policies:
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy
- Biometric Data Policy
- Central Services Policy and Appeals Process
- Complaints Policy
- GDPR Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Central Services & Appeals Policy
- Finance Policy
- DNDLT Asbestos Statement of intent
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Equality Information and Objectives
- Equality Opportunities Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
- Health and Safety
- Estate Management Vision & Strategy
- Assets and Disposals Policy
- Reserve Policy
- Treasury Management Policy
Please note: During the coronavirus pandemic, the Department for Education does not expect schools to handle new or existing complaints while they are closed. We will however, maintain communication with parents and pupils where possible in line with the advice from Public Health England regarding social distancing. Complaints can be considered once the government confirms that schools can safely reopen and resume normal procedures. For more information regarding school complaints, complainants should contact the DfE. If you are concerned a child may be at risk please contact us immediately so we can inform the Local Authority or call the police on 101 if necessary. Alternatively please visit the NSPCC helpline to report a concern https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/nspcc-helpline/